Welcome to Frictionless Commerce.

Get started with Skipify 1-Touch Checkout by filling out the form below.

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Install Skipify in 3 easy steps

Install Skipify in 3 easy steps

  1. Fill out the form with your Shopify URL and company info.

  2. Receive a link to install the Skipify 1-Touch Checkout button directly on your Shopify homepage.

  3. Click the link to install Skipify on your product and cart pages. The 1-Touch Checkout button will automatically match your chosen theme.

How does the Skipify button work?

How does the Skipify button work?

  • 70% of online purchases are abandoned because the checkout process is too clunky.

  • Skipify stores customer payment and shipping information so that returning customers can checkout with just 1-Touch.

  • Skipify partners have already seen conversions increase by 10%.

What does Skipify cost?

What does Skipify cost?

Skipify is free for the first 3 months of use. After that, we take just 1% of all purchases made through the 1-Touch button.

Add skipify logo to your store.